About Us
Insurance can often be seen as a complex, long-winded process. Here at YourLife, we want to take the hassle away from you, and make this as simple and easy as possible, with minimal impact on your valued time.
We understand that people are busy, and spending hours completing forms and deciding on what cover is best for you can be a headache. With over 25 providers to choose from, this further complicates matters.
Therefore at YourLife Insurance, we will guide you through the process the whole way. We have all the tools to provide you with the level of cover best suited to your own unique personal and financial situation, and conduct all the research for you. This ensures you end up with a high quality product at the most cost effective price, with minimal hassle on your behalf.
“We are privately owned, and therefore we can review across a range of providers available in order to make sure that we find the most cost effective, quality product for you.”
We are not another Insurance Comparison website. Most of the insurance comparison providers you see on the internet can only provide you with General advice, as they are not qualified financial advisers, and therefore unable to determine benefit amounts that are individually customised to your personal and financial requirements.
Our guarantee is that should we assess your existing policy, and this product is ideal for you based on cost, product features and quality of the cover, we will advise you to retain your current policy
We offer both an initial online video conferencing or telephone facility (whichever suits you), so that you are able to speak with an Insurance Professional face-to-face or via telephone at any time within the comfort of your own home, or at work, and at a time that is most convenient for you.
We are privately owned, meaning we can choose from a broad range of insurance providers to find the policy that is a best fit for you.
We will liase with your selected provider on your behalf, meaning that in many cases you will only need to complete a telephone application and underwriting process taking on average 30-45 minutes, with the majority of the process being completed by your adviser on your behalf.
This means that we, along with your chosen provider, can complete the bulk of the work for you, saving you the time and effort involved.
Should you ever need to make a claim, we will assist you or your family members through this process. Often at times of claim, these can be distressing and emotional times. We understand this, and will therefore liase with the insurer on your behalf to obtain the best outcome, without you or your family members having to deal with the hassle of making a claim.